Jennifer Snell will be one of the first to tell you how underrated an essential oil that Ylang Ylang is. Whether you’re trying to boost your mood, reduce your depression, alleviate any anxieties, reduce your heart rate, as well as even repel flying insects and kill bugler. This is such an underrated essential oil, and fortunately for you you’re going to find out some of the benefits of it today. This is one that I wish I knew about years ago whenever I was first getting into natural medicines. It has been added to so many things over the years, it has been the back of house hero.

The main thing that I love Ylang Ylang for has been its ability to help my mood. As Jennifer Snell will be able to tell you, you were able to boost your mood, reduce your depression, as well as fight off anxiety. This is so helpful when it comes to the fast-paced world that we are living in today. With so many things going on left and right, it is impossible to know what is going to happen next. The amount of people who are experiencing depression and anxiety are countless. We are at the highest time that has ever been in human history. And one simple plan is able to help you relieve this and so much more.

Whenever I ordered some Ylang Ylang from Jennifer Snell, she also told me to try it out outside sometime. My body has just naturally attracted mosquitoes since I was a youngster. And with me being originally from Oklahoma, we love our starry nights and beautiful evening sunsets. Unfortunately, so do mosquitoes. Whenever I was older, she told me to try this out and sure enough it worked like a charm. It has also been used to treat malaria symptoms in countries throughout Asia for years. It is also high in the terpene linalool, which is the primary terpene found in lavender as well.

You can’t rely on just anyone whatever you were trying to get your essential oils though. With the amount of synthetic chemical compounds going out nowadays it is impossible to know if you are getting something that is high quality, or you are just getting something that is just resembling the scent. That’s where the experts at Doterra come in. We always make sure that our oils are made from the most high quality, and high concentrate possible. We have an amazing reputation, and we have earned that since we first opened our doors.

Jennifer’s been doing this since 2011, and during that time she has talked with people all across the world and the nation to find out which ways are best for them. You can see some of her knowledge on her website, where she also has customer testimonials as well as so many different uses for the oils. You can also give us a call anytime at 707-229-1970, when we were able to answer any questions and take an order.

Jennifer Snell | Clearing Up with Eucalyptus

Jennifer Snell is able to tell you all of the benefits that you were able to get from eucalyptus. But as we all know they can be limitless. If you were having any difficulty breathing, have a nasty call, or you were trying to reduce the scent of any mildew that may be occurring in an old home, there’s no better way to do that than with eucalyptus. Adding a little bit of eucalyptus to your life would be nothing but a benefit. Although some people have been known to be allergic, it is not always the case. It works as an amazing insect repellent, as well as helping people calm down and be able to think clearly.

The best benefit of eucalyptus has to definitely be its ability to help you whenever you’re decongested, or have a nasty cough. Its powerful Aroma will pierce straight through any harshness that you may be experiencing. As Jennifer Snell can tell you, the ability to clear your chest, as well as your sinus cavities will do something that you thought was impossible. That is why it’s been used in so many common cold and flu medicines for years. As well as being the leading ingredient for popular brands such as vicks. It contains roughly 1.2% of eucalyptus oil as well as other cough suppressant ingredients.

This is not just something that can help with your body though as Jennifer Snell is able to tell you. DEET sprays are the most popular repellents and they are made with strong chemicals. As an effective alternative, using eucalyptus is able to keep those pests away like nobody’s business. You’re able to enjoy your time outside with your friends and family while not having to worry about getting eaten alive by bugs. It is also more friendly to the environment as a whole whenever you are not really seeing chemicals into the atmosphere.

Well the benefits of eucalyptus are countless, the number of people that are providing subpar quality eucalyptus are just as many. With some synthetic chemicals that are going around, it is impossible to know which ones you can trust. That is why the experts at Doterra have been providing you this for years. Ever since we first opened our doors we have been wanting nothing but the absolute best for every single one of our customers, regardless of who you are. We use all natural and all organic ingredients, as well as make sure the concentration is right every time to ensure consistency.

This is not something you have to just take our word for though. Jennifer has been helping people since 2011, and during that time she has acquired so many different customer testimonials that it will surprise you. You can check these out on her website, where we also have things like Educational Tools as well as different ways for you to use the oils. You can also give us a call anytime at 707-229-1970 where we are able to answer any questions and get you set up for an order.